Our global specialists seek to uncover quality companies that have a sustainable competitive advantage and that may be undervalued, underappreciated or misunderstood by the market. GW&K’s highly collaborative team brings deep industry knowledge — many of our analysts have worked in the industries they now cover. Our research professionals are business analysts first and foremost.
Our analysts travel all over the globe to identify and analyze the best businesses in developed and emerging markets. GW&K’s global strategist complements this analysis by overlaying economic trends, political risks, and financial issues that could impact company growth potential.
Disciplined Investment Process
GW&K’s team, many of which have worked together for over a decade, have developed a consistent and disciplined process to continually identify best-in-class and small underappreciated growth companies globally. They apply strict criteria to evaluate each company’s growth potential, competitive positioning, and financial strength.
Quality Investing
We purposely set the bar high when assessing the business quality of companies in order to mitigate risk and protect the returns of our investors. Critical to our research is an in-depth evaluation of the quality of a company’s management team. We insist on proven experience, leadership talent, high integrity, and strategic vision.
How we think about global small cap investing
There’s a large universe of global small caps to invest in, so we take a deep dive into all of the companies we own and make a concerted effort to know the management teams and business cases, to better understand where each company is going. Those elements will drive future performance.
Karl Kyriss
Partner, Equity Portfolio Manager
The firm is run by investment professionals who understand what is required to have a successful investment process. Thus, they are in a position to provide the resources the investment teams need to deliver results.
Reid Galas
Portfolio Manager, International and Global Small Cap Equity Strategies
GW&K focuses on niche products that generate excess returns for our clients. We do not chase the same returns clients can get anywhere else in the market.
Reid Galas
Portfolio Manager, International and Global Small Cap Equity Strategies
We really focus on intellectual freedom and intellectual honesty. We come from different backgrounds and have different experiences, but we love what we do. We love the research process. Each of us is encouraged to think through ideas from different angles, which helps to check for behavioral and cognitive biases, and we believe ultimately results in better returns for our clients.
Lulu Zheng
Equity Research Analyst
Investing in small cap international markets is an important way for clients to diversify their portfolios, and yet, most are quite underexposed to this market segment.
Reid Galas
Portfolio Manager, International and Global Small Cap Equity Strategies
The domestic industries of countries outside of the U.S. are generally much smaller than those in the U.S. Thus, by definition, the companies in those markets tend to be smaller. If investors are not exposed to the international small cap markets, they tend to miss out on gaining this exposure to truly diversify their portfolios.
Reid Galas
Portfolio Manager, International and Global Small Cap Equity Strategies
Small caps are interesting because we can find dislocations between price and value for a variety of reasons — such as diminished sell-side coverage and an increase in passive management — so there’s a lot of information and efficiencies we believe we can exploit over three- and five-year periods.
Matt Spiegel
Principal, Equity Research Analyst
Our bottom up process focuses on discovering unknown or underappreciated companies. The international small cap markets are under-researched. We thrive at getting ahead of other investors to find stocks that we believe have the potential for strong growth.
Reid Galas
Portfolio Manager, International and Global Small Cap Equity Strategies
What differentiates our approach to international investing is that we own a collection of companies in which we have done the underlying research, and that we believe have excellent growth potential and have not been picked over by other investors.
Reid Galas
Portfolio Manager, International and Global Small Cap Equity Strategies
GW&K Global Equities Market Commentary – 4Q 2024
Global Equity | Market Commentary
Global equity markets ended the year with a modestly positive return, but in the fourth quarter gave back much of the prior quarter’s gains.
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Equity Research Analyst Gaby Greenman shares insights from the companies she follows, providing a direct look at how businesses are thinking about consumer demand and their outlook for the months ahead.