Bloomberg – Tom Masi & Nuno Fernandes Quoted
Global Equity | Press Mention

Tom Masi, CFA and Nuno Fernandes, CFA were quoted in a Bloomberg article, entitled, “Poor Start to Earnings Season Shows Pain in Emerging Markets.”

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Brian T. King Named Partner at GW&K Investment Management
Firm-wide | Press Release

GW&K Investment Management announces Brian T. King as a partner.

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Reuters – Aaron C. Clark Quoted
Domestic Equity | Press Mention

Aaron C. Clark, CFA was quoted in a Reuters article, entitled, “Wall Street stocks, Treasury yields rise on hawkish Fed comments.”

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CNN Business – Nuno Fernandes Quoted
Global Equity | Press Mention

Nuno Fernandes, CFA was quoted in a CNN Business article, entitled, “India's IPO boom has rapidly turned to bust.”

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Barron’s – Nuno Fernandes Quoted
Global Equity | Press Mention

Nuno Fernandes, CFA was quoted in a Barron's article, entitled, “Indian Stocks Rally on Modi’s Win in Key State. Banks Are Looking Like Good Bets.”

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GW&K Global Perspectives: Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Key Issues for Global Markets
Global Equity | Press Mention

In the latest Global Perspectives, Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Key Issues for Global Markets, Bill identifies key risks to monitor as events unfold and their impact is felt both here and abroad.

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Media Inquiries

All inquiries from the media may be directed to:

WT Blase & Associates
Bill Blase or Sara Minar | 212.221.1079

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