Barron’s – Tom Masi & Nuno Fernandes Quoted
Global Equity | Press Mention

Tom Masi, CFA and Nuno Fernandes, CFA were quoted in a Barron's article, entitled, "Which Stocks Are Next in China's Crackdown? Investors Aren't Waiting to Find Out"

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Bloomberg – Tom Masi & Nuno Fernandes quoted
Global Equity | Press Mention

Tom Masi, CFA and Nuno Fernandes, CFA were quoted in a Bloomberg article, entitled, "Unprecedented Flow of Easy Money Keeps India Stocks on Bull Run"

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Bloomberg – Tom Masi Quoted
Global Equity | Press Mention

Tom Masi, CFA was quoted in a Bloomberg article, entitled, “China Signals End to $2 Trillion U.S. Listings Juggernaut.”

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Barron’s – Tom Masi Quoted
Global Equity | Press Mention

Tom Masi, CFA was quoted in a Barron’s article, entitled, “Emerging-Market Investors Are Immune to New Covid Threat—for Now.” 

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CNN Business – Bill Sterling quoted
Global Equity | Press Mention

Global Strategist, William Sterling, Ph.D. was quoted in a CNN Business article, entitled, "Dow plummets more than 500 points as volatility returns to stock market.”

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MarketWatch – Stephen Repoff quoted
Taxable Bond | Press Mention

Stephen Repoff, CFA was quoted in the MarketWatch article, "How oil soaring to $100 a barrel could be bad for this boom-bust sector and the economy."

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Media Inquiries

All inquiries from the media may be directed to:

WT Blase & Associates
Bill Blase or Sara Minar | 212.221.1079

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