Bloomberg – Nuno Fernandes Quoted
Global Equity | Press Mention

Nuno Fernandes, CFA was quoted in a Bloomberg article, entitled, “Emerging-Market Stocks Are Having a Moment as Growth Bets Return."

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Bond Buyer – Kara South Quoted
Municipal Bond | Press Mention

Kara South, CFA was quoted in Bond Buyer article, entitled, “Munis weaker as investors digest larger supply, economic data, Fitch downgrade.”

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Dan Fasciano Interviewed in the Boston Business Journal
Firm-wide | Press Mention

Director of Private Wealth Management at GW&K, Dan Fasciano, was interviewed for a Boston Business Journal article entitled Boston Wealth Advisor Talks Recession, Investing, and ‘Millionaires Tax’.

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GW&K Investment Management Grows Institutional Team
Firm-wide | Press Release

Christa Maxwell Joins Firm as Vice President, Institutional Business Development

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GW&K Hosts Women in Finance Leadership Panel
| News Article

GW&K hosted a Leadership Panel event in Boston with six female leaders within our industry to discuss challenges faced by women in finance, such as gender bias, work-life harmony, and career progression.

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Bond Buyer – Kara South Quoted
Municipal Bond | Press Mention

Kara South, CFA was quoted in Bond Buyer article, entitled, “Larger primary led by DASNY's $1B of school bonds takes focus.”

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Media Inquiries

All inquiries from the media may be directed to:

WT Blase & Associates
Bill Blase or Sara Minar | 212.221.1079

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