The Wall Street Journal – Sheila May Quoted
Municipal Bond | Press Mention

Sheila May, CFA was quoted in a Wall Street Journal article, entitled, "Investors Like New York Subways. San Francisco’s BART? Not So Much."

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Bond Buyer – Kara South Quoted
Municipal Bond | Press Mention

Kara South, CFA was quoted in Bond Buyer article, entitled, “Munis take breather ahead of smaller — but still sizable — new-issue calendar.”

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The Wall Street Journal – Nuno Fernandes Quoted
Global Equity | Press Mention

Nuno Fernandes, CFA was quoted in a Wall Street Journal article, entitled, “Chinese Stocks Are in a Slump—and Value Investors Are Excited.”

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Reuters – Tom Masi & Nuno Fernandes Quoted
Global Equity | Press Mention

Tom Masi, CFA and Nuno Fernandes, CFA were quoted in a Barron's article, entitled, "China's crackdowns rewrite investors' private sector playbook."

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FundFire – Christa Maxwell Mentioned
Firm-wide | Press Mention

Christa Maxwell, CFA, CIPM was mentioned in a FundFire article, entitled, “GW&K Hires Institutional Sales Exec.”

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Plan Adviser – Christa Maxwell Mentioned
Firm-wide | Press Mention

Christa Maxwell, CFA, CIPM was mentioned in a Plan Adviser article, entitled, “Retirement Industry People Moves.”

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Media Inquiries

All inquiries from the media may be directed to:

WT Blase & Associates
Bill Blase or Sara Minar | 212.221.1079

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