Sheila May

The Wall Street Journal – Sheila May Quoted

October 27, 2023

Principal and Director of Municipal Bond Research, Sheila May, CFA was quoted in a Wall Street Journal article, entitled, “Investors Like New York Subways. San Francisco’s BART? Not So Much.”

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Bond Buyer – GW&K’s 2Q24 Municipal Bond Commentary Quoted

Municipal Bond | Press Mention

The Bond Buyer quoted GW&K’s 2Q24 Municipal Bond Commentary in an article entitled, “Short-term munis firmer, muni mutual funds inflows.” Read Article Here By clicking on any of the links you will be redirected to an external site. These links are provided for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or approval of

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GW&K Municipal Bond Market Commentary – 2Q 2024

Municipal Bond | Market Commentary

Municipal bond yields rose across the board in the second quarter, driven by elevated tax-exempt supply and Treasury market volatility. It all began in April, with broader rates spiking in response to accelerating job growth and a number of higher-than-expected inflation prints. Municipal bonds actually hung in well despite the month-long Treasury rout and demand

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State of California: Prudent Policies and Healthy Reserves Counter Revenue Volatility

Municipal Bond | Market Commentary

Municipal Credit Perspectives Tax revenue performance in the State of California is particularly susceptible to economic cycles given its highly progressive rate structure coupled with industry concentrations, including the technology sector. Although the state is accustomed to periods of revenue variability, the experience following the pandemic has been unlike any period in history. Positively, prudent

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